Behavioural Challenges
- Much more collaboration between skill sets
- Move away from 'us and them' attitude
- Less documentation, more conversation
- Instead of sequential project phases, all phases happen at the same time in small iterations
- Start with a clear definition of how each piece of functionality will be verified
Challenges for the Organisation
- Creating an environment which assists collaboration
- Creation and adoption of Agile roles
- Creation of small, cross functional teams
- Creating availability in schedules for roles
- Creating an accord of shared responsibility
Challenges for Technical Teams
- Increased automation
- Automated Testing
- Working closer with the customer
- Working closer with your colleagues
- Working with people with different skill sets
- Change of mind set
- Learning new skills
Challenges for Non-Technical Teams
- Working closer with technical teams
- Working with people with different skill sets
- Definition and continuous input to verify work being carried out
- Change of mind set
- Learning new skills